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Signed Books
Books signed by the author
cover for Every Tool's a Hammer by Adam Savage
cover for Every Tool's a Hammer by Adam Savage
cover for The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins
cover for Emperor of Rome by Mary Beard
cover for Spqr by Professor Mary Beard
cover for Making It So by Patrick Stewart
cover for Shrinking Violets by Joe Moran
cover for Good Omens by Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett
cover for American Gods by Neil Gaiman
cover for Why Design Matters by Debbie Millman
cover for Exploratory Data Analysis by John Tukey
cover for An Encyclopedia of Lies, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural by James Randi, Arthur C. Clarke
cover for Hiding the Elephant by Jim Steinmeyer
cover for Liars and Outliers by Bruce Schneier
cover for Carry On by Bruce Schneier
cover for Failure Is Not an Option by Gene Kranz

Book titles:

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