by Robert Sabuda, Matthew Reinhart
Hardcover in Spanish, 10 pages — category pop-up
Published by MONTENA in 2007
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Description from the publisher:
Lions and tigers and bears. . . . Stand back for a beast of a pop-up!
Within these dynamic pages lurk fearsome saber-toothed cats, bears taller than basketball hoops, and everyone’s favorite Ice Age giant — the woolly mammoth. Prehistoric Yeti-like mammals, now-extinct birds, and giant flying lizards all come alive in a showcase featuring more than thirty-five astonishing pop-ups. In this third and final volume of the best-selling Encyclopedia Prehistorica series, 3-D masters Robert Sabuda and Matthew Reinhart tackle the titans of the ancient world, awing us with a humbling close-up look at some startling mega-beasts that preceded us on planet Earth.