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Books about data and information visualization
- (paper) Dear Data by Giorgia Lupi, Stefanie Posavec
- (paper) Semiology of Graphics by Jacques Bertin
- (paper) Cartographies of Time by Daniel Rosenberg, Anthony Grafton
- (paper) Visual Complexity by Manuel Lima
- (paper) The Visual Miscellaneum by David McCandless
- (paper) The Information Design Handbook by Jenn Visocky O'Grady, Ken Visocky O'Grady
- (paper) The Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward R. Tufte
- (paper) Envisioning Information by Edward R. Tufte
- (paper) R Graphics Cookbook by Winston Chang
- (paper) Visual Explanations by Edward R. Tufte
- (paper) Beautiful Evidence by Edward R. Tufte
- (paper) The Book of Circles: Visualizing Spheres of Knowledge by Manuel Lima
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