developed with Next.js and Tailwind CSS
A bit more about me

Last updated on .


I'm an experienced engineering lead with a strong background in information security, software development, data science and design. Right now, my focus is on improving situational awareness, finding ways to help security analysts and engineers make faster and more accurate decisions to improve security processes.

You can find more on my LinkedIn profile.


  • Python
  • JavaScript (React)

You can find more on my Github profile.

Places I have lived

  • New York
  • Paris
  • Barcelona
  • Sao Paulo

Languages I speak

  • English (fluent)
  • Portuguese (fluent)
  • Spanish (fluent)
  • French (fluent)
  • Catalan (basic)
  • Latin (basic) (currently learning)
  • Italian (basic)


The ideas on this site are my own and do not reflect the opinion of my employer.

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